Our hard money loans are interest only and amortized for 6-12 months. The loan has to be legally paid back by either flipping and selling the investment property or conducting a cash-out refinance.

As with any conventional loan, we will require the investor to pay for a title search and insurance. If funded, Olmos Venture Capital takes a first lien holder position on the mortgage/note. The borrower will pay all fees associated with the cost of underwriting a prospective loan.  

Each deal is underwritten and evaluated on its own merit. Prudent long-term clients who have earned this privileged are allowed to roll in closing costs into the loan.  

Email us your proposal and business plan to evaluate risk versus reward of your proposition. If viable, we can offer strategic funding solutions to take your vision to a success story.  

We lend on residential Investment properties, apartment buildings, retail shops and office buildings. We do not lend on primary residences.  

We only lend in the Chicagoland area. 

No. However, each deal presented to us will be evaluated on its own merits. Our loan amounts start at $100,000 and are limited to (2) million. 

Absolutely not. State and Federal regulations require strict disclosure requirements for consumer mortgage loans. Olmos Venture Capital does not fund loans for primary residences.  

Our average investors pay on average 2-3 points and 15% on most short term loans. Our loan terms are 6-12 months in length and provide 70-80% of the purchase price and 100% of rehab costs. Hard Money loans are not long term loans and are only suitable for "flippers" or investors conducting cash out refi's.  

If your real estate contract requires a financial pre-approval letter or loan commitment, our underwriter can provide that to you, sometimes the same day.  

One of the greatest benefits of a hard money loan is the fast and easy process of obtaining capital to fund urgent purchases. Most regular banks do not lend on distressed properties which is the very reason hard money institutions exist. At Olmos Venture Capital, we can quickly fund qualified deals in as little as 5 days.  

We don't have a fee schedule due to each unique investment having their own qualities and attributes. However, you can expect to pay 2-3% origination points to underwrite the loan and 15% interest. There are fees such as inspection, appraisal, document prep, legal document, rehab draws and application fees.  

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